New York City has a population of 8.4 million people. We are the largest city in the United States and over twice the size of the 2nd, Los Angeles. One out of every 38 people residing in the United States lives in New York City. We have a larger population than 40 of the 50 states. We are incredibly diverse, with representatives from virtually every country in the world and virtually every language of the world is spoken in our city. This is the city that we wish to organize with NYC for CEDAW.
We have had to ask ourselves some very fundamental questions as we formulate a local law for Women’s Rights. New York City has a well-developed human rights law with Title 8 of the Administrative Code and the Human Rights Commission. Are we intending to highlight any rights that are not already covered in the law? How do we create a sustainable institution, not just a law? How do we create an institution that will survive beyond the next election and will have the support and, most importantly, the participation of New York City residents?
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